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domingo, 12 de abril de 2020

We can't eat money. 
¿Why haven't we been treating climate change as the disaster it is?
Renowned conservationist and activist Dr. Jane Goodall says global disregard for nature brought on coronavirus pandemic.
She is hoping the coronavirus pandemic will be a wake-up call, warning the crisis is a result of human disregard for nature and animals.
En el nuevo Plan de Desarrollo Urbano de Bahía de Banderas trata la amenaza por el CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO como si fuera un asunto ajeno al ámbito del estudio, … algo como una amenaza  “teórica”.
Jane Goodall: "You only have to look around at some of the political leaders in different countries to understand why. Because people don't want to think about making the changes necessary because it would impact their success in business.”
“Maybe it has taken something like this COVID-19 to wake us up and realize you can't eat money. If we go on destroying nature in this way, go on disrespecting the other beings whom we share this planet, it's a downward trajectory”.
"So hopefully this [coronavirus response], which is affecting the whole world, will give us the jolt we seem to need to start behaving and thinking in a different way".
She said the global community should have been treating climate change long ago as if it was a pandemic "because it's actually far more devastating in terms of loss of life and people being driven from countries simply because the habitat is so inhospitable".
SO: “Why haven't we been treating climate change as the disaster it is? (1).
El CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO es más mortal que el coronavirus.
La actuación de la administración pública del municipio de Bahía de Banderas, NAYARIT, se caracteriza por APATÍA.
En el nuevo Plan de Desarrollo Urbano de Bahía de Banderas se busca en balde un PLAN de ACCION para combatir la amenaza  por el CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO.

En su parte DIAGNÓSTICO el nuevo plan trata la amenaza por el CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO como si fuera un asunto ajeno al ámbito del estudio,… algo como una amenaza  “teórica” (2).

(2)  El CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO es más mortal que el coronavirus:

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