martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

COMENTARIO de un UNIVERSITARIO referente a la publicación sobre “LA TRIA” del nuevo Gobernador de NAYARIT: TURISMO, CAMPO Y EMPLEO.

“…… El origen del nuevo gobernador tablajero y ganadero no es suficiente para definir las estrategias de reactivación del campo Nayarita. Se necesita mucha información y conocimiento no sólo para entender la dinámica del sector rural, sino para sentir el pensar de la gente y encontrarles viabilidad a las estrategias de solución en el marco de que estamos globalizados. No basta estar cerca de la gente….”

Roberto G. Bernal en Tricherauniversitaria:


La sugerencia del universitario producir etanol en los campos de Nayarit, NO nos parece ser una buena idea, es como resolver un problema para crear otro mayor:

Ethanol Production Consumes Six Units Of Energy To Produce Just One. Ethanol has the highest energy cost with the least benefit:
3. Bio fuels are a man made eco-disaster waiting to happen and should be banned. Bio-fuels are like an addictive drug that eases the symptoms not the causes of the problem and has disastrous side effects that worsen the addiction:

4. Ethanol production from sugar cane in Brazil has gotten so out of hand that it is leading to massive deforestation, slavery, inhumane work conditions, less production of food crops, and widespread hunger. Surging global prices of basic foodstuffs raise the risk that the food crisis of 2007-2008 in developing countries will be repeated.
The FAO has asked developed countries to re-examine their biofuels strategies — which include large subsidies — since these have diverted 120 million tons of cereals away from human consumption to convert them to fuels.
Developed countries give $13 billion in annual subsidies and protection to encourage biofuels production, In the United States, corn stocks have dipped to near 15-year lows as more of the crop is used for making ethanol.
Green Master Plans Turn Out To Be Mean Disaster Plans:


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